Well I'm on day 3 of my 10 day stretch of no babies. I've had many people call me to say "how are you doing?" I'm doing good so far because I have been staying busy. Give me a couple more days and I think it will really start to sink in, but by then I'll be halfway thru it and the rest is all downhill.
I went to visit a friend this evening, a friend who is dying of lung cancer. She is an amazing woman who when I'm around her I forget the difference in our ages. She is funny, irreverent and very prepared to die. As she has said "I've lived a great life, and I'm ok with going" We have sat and talked for hours about every topic under the sun, anything from being a mother to her showing me a catalog she had gotten that had vibrators in it. That was a conversation to remember! She knew and loved my mom, we talk about her alot, we talk about her husband who I never had the pleasure of meeting who passed away one year on Christmas Eve. We talk about our friend Fran who passed away last year. My mom, she and Fran used to be the three musketeers at every family function sitting in the corner drinking wine and laughing alot. Soon the three of them will be back together again. Why is cancer so evil? All three of them have had cancer. It's hard to see my friend going thru this...it brings back memeories of my mom and how she struggled so at the end. My mom was NOT ready to die though she cried everyday wishing she had more time. I wish she had had more time too. God I miss her.....
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