Wednesday, June 3, 2009


As some of you may or may not know we have finally got a family renting our house, they seem like super nice people. We had a sit down with them that lasted more than 2 hours. We feel good about them and letting them live in our house. He is a retired Detroit cop and she is retired from Experian. They have a college aged daughter who is super nice. We will be moving on the 28th of June tentalively as they have to be in the house on the 1st of July...whew so much to do and so little time to do it in.
Here are the pics from me tsking the boys to Carol's to get their haircut...

Friday, May 22, 2009

I miss you

Today I was outside with your grandsons watching them running around enjoying the sun, being boys, digging in the dirt, laughing, swinging a plastic bat in the shape of a carrot, wishing you were here. I know you would be laughing at the comical things they say and do, loving the way they throw themselves uninhibited into the arms of those they love always knowing we will be here to catch them. Mom I miss you so much, the way you were always on my side no matter what, I miss your laugh ,the way you smelled, the way you always called me on my crap. I hate the fact that the boys will never really know you, I need you so much right now mom. When the boys are sick I want to call you, when they are being bad I want you to tell me this is just a phase and I acted like that when I was their age. I want them to know all the unconditional love I felt from you as I was growing up. Sometimes I wish just for a moment you could come down from heaven and hold them just so they could know how your hugs felt. I wish I had a picture of you and the boys together. I said to Kevin one day that I was so sad that they would never know you as anything other than a picture on the mantel, he replied if your mom was still here we probably wouldn't have the boys. That's a choice I wish I never had to make.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jen Lancaster

Soooo I finally got to meet one of my favorite authors the other night and she was just as funny as I imagined she would be. I had wondered if perhaps upon meeting her I wouldn't like her, but she is exactly like she portrays herself in her books. Someone I want to be friends with, her way of telling a story cracks me the hell up. Her book Bitter is the New Black got me thru some tough times when my mom was dying, so for that I thank you Jen Lancaster. It was a pleasure to meet you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pretty in Plaid

OMG my favorite author is going to be in Detroit today!!! Her new book comes out today and we are the first stop on her tour. Also it is Cinco De Mayo which means many margaritas will need to be drunk. I'm going to do the best I can not to squeal like a teenange girl at a Jonas Brothers concert. Hopefully I won't embarass myself. Although it is a strong possibility. I will update on my humiliation later.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I am beginning to get worn down. Being essentially a single mother everyday but Saturday is starting to get to me. I felt somehow that because we adopted them and I wanted them so badly that I would never have these feelings that alot of parents do and I feel selfish for feeling this way. I feel guilty asking for help because everybody is busy, everybody has alot on their plate, it's not just me. But man I'm getting tired. I need a shot of energy soon or I'm going to lay down on the couch and never want to get up again.
In other news Alex decided to use the side of Daddy's truck as a chalkboard with a rock..... uhhh yeah. These are the days of my life....sigh.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Sundays at our house are always melancholy days, Kevin has to go back to Canada and then the boys and I are left to our own devices. Today was a day like no other. Started out the same Kev leaving the boys and I eating lunch, boys to nap. I had started getting a headache earlier but wasn't too bad, around 2:30 it really hit me. It was so bad I called my mother-in-law in tears asking her to come get the boys. She quickly came and picked them up, and I went to bed. Woke up 2 hours later and felt fine. I have never had a migraine but I'll tell you if that is even 1/10th of how bad a migraine is I think I would keel over from the pain. I think my tolerance for pain is ok but that headache kicked my ass. The boys were so sweet....Mama don't cry, I love you Mama, are you okay Mama??? I am raising 2 amazing little boys.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


As some of you may know I spend alot of time on the computer in the evenings unwinding from my day and I have a few blogs I follow regularly. One of them is this, the story of beautiful little girl who was born too soon, fought like crazy to live, was loved beyond measure, and left this earth too soon. I fell in love with this little girl and her family like so many others and followed her daily adventures with her mom Heather, dad Mike and favorite sidekick Rigby. I had seen the post her mom had left that they had to rush Maddie to the hospital in an ambulance. Just like times before I thought that little girl is a fighter she'll pull thru. Imagine my horror upon logging on to Twitter to find that Maddie had passed away. There is something so wrong with a child dying before her parents it goes against every law of nature and to all of you who are parents or who love a child it is your worst nightmare come to life. I can't possibly imagine the pain that the Spohrs are going thru every minute of every day, I wish that this was all just a really bad dream that they could wake up from. Unfortunately it's not so I hope that you will join me in supporting the March of Dimes and donete some money in Maddies name using the link on the sidebar of my blog. Please do all that you can....such a small life that has made such a huge impact on this world.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Long time coming

Look who came to our house....the Easter Bunny
Easter morning

Uhhhh yeah, no posting for a while( try 5 months). In my defense the lack of blogging can be directly traced back to the same time as we found out we were moving to Canada and I became a single parent due to the fact that Kevin had to start work in November and is only able to come home on weekends. Whew that was quite the run on sentence....i think I'm finally settling into somewhat of a routine. It is getting harder and harder to go to work as Alex is having a hard time with me leaving. Today was really bad he was holding onto my hand and screaming bloody murder saying " No Mommy!!! Stay with me!!!" It just about broke my heart. Tell me it gets easier...