As some of you may know I spend alot of time on the computer in the evenings unwinding from my day and I have a few blogs I follow regularly. One of them is this, the story of beautiful little girl who was born too soon, fought like crazy to live, was loved beyond measure, and left this earth too soon. I fell in love with this little girl and her family like so many others and followed her daily adventures with her mom Heather, dad Mike and favorite sidekick Rigby. I had seen the post her mom had left that they had to rush Maddie to the hospital in an ambulance. Just like times before I thought that little girl is a fighter she'll pull thru. Imagine my horror upon logging on to Twitter to find that Maddie had passed away. There is something so wrong with a child dying before her parents it goes against every law of nature and to all of you who are parents or who love a child it is your worst nightmare come to life. I can't possibly imagine the pain that the Spohrs are going thru every minute of every day, I wish that this was all just a really bad dream that they could wake up from. Unfortunately it's not so I hope that you will join me in supporting the March of Dimes and donete some money in Maddies name using the link on the sidebar of my blog. Please do all that you can....such a small life that has made such a huge impact on this world.
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