Also note the sock on his hand...he does the craziest stuff and makes me laugh everyday. He loves to put socks on his hands I have no idea why. He's a kooky kid just like his Mama...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Track Time
Also note the sock on his hand...he does the craziest stuff and makes me laugh everyday. He loves to put socks on his hands I have no idea why. He's a kooky kid just like his Mama...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Spring is here.....
All my beautiful spring flowers are blooming, the hyacinths near the front door are so fragarant I can smell them every time I walk in or out.
Alex and Cooper are blooming too with lots of outside time and dirt eating, this is a new past time for Alex he seems to like the taste of dirt. I think it;s good for him...too many kids now days have their parents running after them with anti-bacterial lotion, spray, wipes and anything to keep their kids from getting sick or dirty. I think it's good for them to play in the dirt, get dirty, and have fun. I don't want my kids sitting on the couch getting fat and being "safe inside". I want the boys to be raised like Kev and I were, "as long as it's nice out you need to be outside." Well I'm off to get the boys up.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Day off
I mean we have a pretty big ass yard....